Dorinda Galbraith Physical Therapy Receives 2014 Best Of Brookline Award

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Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a light touch modality that works on freeing up the central nervous system which can have far reaching effects throughout the entire body. This nervous system is enclosed in the cranium and spinal cord in the spinal dura down to the tailbone and is bathed by cerebral spinal fluid in a semi-hydraulic fluid system.

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a gentle hands-on modality that works through the body’s visceral or organ system to locate and free abnormal points of tension throughout the body. Because the body “hugs” a lesion , in essence these “hugs” can be palpated in order to find the areas of restrictions in the body.

Neural Manipulation

Neural Manipulation identifies and releases local nerve restrictions while at the same time examines the effect of these local fixations on the rest of the body, and by accessing this relationship, resolves the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns.

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a holistic approach to promoting a healthy lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a complex network of vessels and ducts that move fluid throughout the body and is responsible for moving toxins away from healthy cells and carrying germ-fighting materials to cells when they are under attack by viruses.

"Helping People Find Relief For The Body, Mind, And Soul."